Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016

Hello all!  In case you've been wondering where I am, I've been pretty busy these few weeks.  But, I am happy to say that I've got a lot of free time coming up and will be able to devote more time to my blog, videos, and of course, my writing.  ;)

I've been addicted to this election season!  I've always been a politics person, but I find that this particular election is so exciting.  In case you have been looking at my current events section, you'll know from what I write that I'm going to be voting for the Republican Party - the party that I feel most connected to.  I can't wait to see the turn out of the election!  Keeping my fingers crossed for TRUMP!

I can't believe how fast this year has passed by.  It seems only last week I was writing about getting ready for Halloween and it's HERE again!  I can't believe it!  It's my favorite time of year of course.  Then, there's Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up.  This Christmas is going to be particular spectacular, as we're taking a family trip to Hawaii.  We'll be doing some island popping and I'm looking forward to it.  There are so many places I didn't get to check out when I was on Oahu 3 years ago that I have to go see now!  Also, I'm looking forward to exploring Maui as well.  I can't wait to post pictures, and hopefully, videos about it!

Well, I hope you all are well!  Thanks for continuing to support and read my blog.  It really means a lot!  It inspires me to continue to post!  I've received some great letters from people all over the world.  I really appreciate your compliments!

Torri ;)

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